Friday 17 October 2008

Zoe Williams on Baby Led Weaning

I came across this article on baby led weaning by British columnist, Zoe WIlliams. What are your thought? I'm sleeping on it and will post my comments tomorrow. I think I preferred Zoe pre-baby.


Venice said...

Her reasoning is so ridiculous - 1. that the whole thing has taken off in the space of 2 years therefore making it bogus. Maybe it has taken off so quickly because it works! 2. that she is scared of choking. I would put money on the fact that kids who are given purees are more likely to choke than those given finger foods from an early stage. We had a few episodes of gagging in the early months but no choking at all.

Maybe the choking thing puts a lot of people off BLW. Fear and ignorance basically.

That makes a change!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't sound like she has any real reasons to choose to feed baby mashed foods over letting your child eat what it wants other than because she thinks it's a fad and it's so dangerous. How did we ever survive before high powered blenders or processed baby mush in jars bought at the closest cheap-o box store? Even if one pre chews food it would never become the mush that is so often fed to babies.

I have to agree with your thoughts on her article. I think babies if given the space to explore are less likely to choke on foods than babies force fed pureed mush exclusively. That gag reflex that babies have is there for a reason and it's not the same as choking.

It's interesting hearing "baby led weaning" because to me this phrase implies breastfeeding and not eating food. It must be because I live in a different country! :)