Sunday, 12 October 2008

Ice cream

M really looks like he's going to enjoy that cornetto, you should have seen the mess 5 minutes later! He was about 15 mo in this photo and I know many parents who would disapprove of giving such a young child something so sweet. We don't eat a lot of sweet food in our family but have the philosophy that a little of what you like does you good. I want M to be able to self regulate with unhealthy foods and so far so good, although I know it's a little early to tell. I'll keep you posted!

I'm interested to hear how other families deal with sweets and other unhealthy food... please leave your story in the form of a comment.


Anonymous said...

To me sweet food isn't a bad thing. I won't buy foods with chemicals and colouring in them though and avoid most processed foods. When at home I never buy anything I wouldn't be okay with the kids eating whenever they want so there won't be any struggle over food. So far so good on that front!

I wrote about my thoughts a while back here:

Unknown said...

Living in Italy where there are so many good sweets to try (and the Italian side of the family being a little sweet crazy too) it has been a little hard to control. But, I agree with you and believe a little on occasion is fine and good. And seeing how much our son loves gelato makes this occasional indulgence somehow okay. But my feeling is that my baby is still so little and he has his whole life ahead of him to eat sweets, why push it on him now when he is just as happy with a piece of fruit?