Sunday 12 October 2008

Sippy cup

Due to longterm breastfeeding there was never any need to give M a bottle, by the time he started drinking other fluids he was able to use a sippy cup. At 21 months he still doesn't drink that much from this type of cup, a bit of cow's milk in the evening before bed and sometimes water. It's useful for when we are out in the car. Mostly he will drink out from our glass but although he can manage this himself if we are indoors we usually help him as he always has this strange compulsion to throw it all over the floor!

When and how did you introduce drinks to your little one? Leave a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We actually bypassed the use of a sippy cup all together and went straight for a real cup. Since both my kids breastfed there wasn't much need for other liquids until they were a bit older. Any sips of water they had before they used a cup was from my own glass.

About the time they started eating meals we also offered a sturdy not easily breakable cup with about 1 cm of water in it so if it ended up on the ground it wasn't a wet disaster.

It seems many parents use sippy cups for on the go. I never found something like this necessary since I was always there and available to nurse them. I'm not a fan of eating/drinking out of plastic but do a have a sigg bottle that our whole family uses and works fine for situations like in the car and one needs a quick drink while I'm unavailable.

Drinking water alone also helps keep spills from being sticky. ;-)